Monday, September 30, 2019

Learning Styles Theory Essay

Learning styles theory originated in the 1970’s and is based around the idea that people have preferences about how they like to learn. Theorists believe that each individual has a particular learning style that is best suited to them and allows them to collect and process information successfully in order to learn. The principle idea is that these learning style differ from one individual to the next and theorists argue that school teachers should incorporate these learning styles into their lessons so that student is catered for and everyone can learn effectively. Many educationalists believe that differences in learning styles are responsible for some student difficulties, for example, if a student is taught in a style they do not prefer they may not learn as successfully as those students being taught in their preferred style. David Kolb is one of the main researchers who studied learning strategies and processes and put forward his idea of experimental learning. Kolb stated that; â€Å"Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.† (David A Kolb, 1984) Kolb’s experimental learning model draws on the ‘Lewin Cycle of Adult learning’ and proposes that there are four stages which follow on from each other to complete the learning cycle. Kolb’s model suggests that in order for learning to be effective that an individual must include the four stages; Concrete Experience, Abstract Conceptualization, Reflective Observation and Active Experimentation, in their learning process. He believed that this would result in the individual finding that they had strengths and weaknesses in particular stages and their preferred learning style derived from this. Kolb stated that there are four instrumental learning styles which follow on from th e four previous stages, these are; the diverging learning style, the assimilating, the converging and the accommodating learning styles. Kolb’s theory was generally widely accepted however recent critics have found it unreliable. Two management development specialists named Peter Honey and Alan Mumford further developed Kolb’s theory and created a questionnaire designed to find out a person’s preferred learning style. The questionnaire asks a series of questions which help the individual to identify their preferred learning habits. The answers to these questions are scored and the person then falls into one of four categories which is the learning style best suited to them based on the answers they have given. Honey and Mumford put forward four main learning styles; Reflectors, theorists, pragmatists and activists, each with their own characteristics. Reflectors prefer to learn through activities which allow them to observe, think and review situations. They like to collect data and mind map. Theorists prefer to think problems through step by step using lectures, systems, case studies etc. Quite often they are perfectionists. Pragmatists enjoy applying new ideas and techniques to actual practise to test their use. They prefer learning through lab work, field work and observations rather than lectures or lengthy discussions. They are practical and like concepts which can be applied to their own jobs. Activists enjoy new things and like challenges. They prefer to learn through activities role-playing, problem sol ving and small group discussions. They are unlikely to prepare for their learning or to review it afterwards. This was Honey and Mumford’s interpretation of learning styles theory however other theorists have different opinions. Neil Fleming’s VAK model of learning styles is one of the most popular interpretations. Fleming developed an inventory designed to help students learn more about their individual learning preferences. Fleming’s VAK model identified three learning styles; Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic. According to this theory most people have a preferred learning style however some people may prefer to learn using a mixture of all three styles. As with the previous theories each style within the VAK model has individual characteristics based on their learning preferences. Visual learners learn best through seeing. They think in pictures and have intense mental images. They like to learn using maps, charts, pictures or videos. They tend to have visual skills in activities such as reading, writing, puzzle building, interpreting charts and graphs, and painting a nd have a good sense of direction. Auditory learners like to learn through listening. They tend to think in words rather than pictures and learn best through lectures, discussions, talking things through and hearing other people’s opinions. Auditory learners tend to have highly developed auditory skills and are generally good at speaking and presenting. They demonstrate these skills through speaking, listening, storytelling, explaining, understanding the syntax and meaning of words, remembering information and analysing language usage. Kinaesthetic learners learn best through moving, touching and doing. They find it hard to sit still for long periods of time although they have a good sense of balance and hand-eye co-ordination. They process and learn information through interacting with objects and materials. They demonstrate their kinaesthetic skills via physical co-ordination, athletic ability and hands on experimentation, body language, acting and building. A classroom is a good environment in which to put the learning styles theory into practise as there are a number of students in one place each with individual preferences on how they like to learn. There are various methods and activities for each learning style t hat can be used to help the student learn effectively in a way that is suited to their particular preference. For example, when tailoring a lesson to suit a visual learner graphics could be used to reinforce learning. Colour coding could be used to organise class note and highlight key points in the text. Encouraging the student to take notes would also help to embed the learning. Visual learners may also find it useful to illustrate ideas and use flow charts and diagrams when note taking. To cater for an auditory learner during a lesson it would be useful to put across ideas or points by reading them aloud to the class or by getting a student to read out passages etc. to the rest of the group. The teacher may also want to read out significant information which they want to be remembered. Verbal analogies and storytelling could also be used to further emphasize issues and points. The use of tunes and rhymes as mnemonic devices would also be helpful to auditory learners. For kinaesthetic learners to learn successfully they could be encouraged to make models or role-play in relation to the lesson in order to physically experience their learning. The student could translate the information they are being taught into diagrams, flow charts etc. in order to help them learn and remember the lesson more successfully or they could count out a list of items to be recalled on their fingers. Kinaesthetic learners should also be urged to skim through material for key points before reading it in detail. As kinaesthetic learners enjoy learning through movement they could be asked to memorize information whilst performing a physical task, for example, whilst running on the spot or hopping on one foot. All of these techniques could be used to help a student develop their visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learning strengths. The same principles could also be applied to the learning styles from the other models in the learning styles theory. To put this theory into practise I have chosen a subject and a topic from within that subject to teach to a group of my fellow students. I have chosen to look at social psychology and from that I am going to teach the topic of Conformity. I will deliver the lesson using various methods and techniques to cater for the visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners in the group. The topic of conformity can be broken down and taught accordingly to each of the three styles. To deliver the lesson to the visual learners in the group I plan to teach key terms such as group norms, group pressure and majority influence by writing them and their meanings on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom where they can be clearly seen. I will then ask the student to take down what I have written. I want to teach the students about different research studies that have been conducted on conformity. I will use a projector screen to show a PowerPoint presentation with numerous pictures and graphics detailing the experiments carried out by Sherif (1935) and Asch (1951). To finish my lesson to the visual learners I will show them a documentary film on conformity called ‘The Power of the Situation’. These methods of delivery should help the visual learners of the group to learn to the best of their ability according to the VAK model. To teach conformity to the auditory learners I will again adopt methods which I believe are best suited to their learning preferences. This time instead of writing the key terms on the whiteboard I will state them verbally and then ask the students to have small group discussions on them where they can listen to each other’s opinions and views. After they have completed this I will ask each group to give me examples of majority influence, group pressure, conformity etc. aloud for all the class to hear. I then plan to move on to teach the research studies, I will give a talk on the studies conducted by Asch and Sherif and encourage the students to ask me questions throughout. To end the lesson I will talk about Kelman (1958) and his views on conformity. I am also going to give the class written notes on Kelman and ask the students to read out different sections of the text to the rest of the group. These techniques should ensure a successful learning experience to the auditory learners in the class. Again I will apply the principles of Fleming’s VAK model to teach the conformity lesson to the kinaesthet ic learners of the group. I will teach the key terms by talking about them and asking the students to take notes as I speak. I will then give the students a physical task to test their knowledge of the key terms by asking them to recall the terms and their meanings whilst jumping up and down. I believe this will be effective as kinaesthetic learners prefer to learn using movements. I may also ask them to do various role-plays depicting examples of situations where conformity has occurred. To teach the research studies to this group I will ask them to repeat the studies as closely as possible and record the results they find. To end the lesson to the kinaesthetic group I will ask them to go through their notes and highlight important points and facts. I believe teaching the topic this way will cover all three styles of the VAK model. Already we can see how the principles of the learning styles theory can be applied in the classroom but the question remains; do learning styles really exist and is it possible and realistic for teachers to teach students in this way? After some research I have found relatively little empirical evidence supporting the theory. On the other hand I have found many arguments which discredit the theory. I am now going to review some of the cases for and against the learning styles theory and try to draw a conclusion. According to the learning styles theory it has the ability to help learners identify their strengths and weaknesses and therefore enable them to develop a more efficient learning process. An extensive literally review of learning styles, cognitive styles, Howard Gardiners multiple intelligences and an information processing model from school psychology was undertaken by Dr Erica Warren and she put forward the idea that there are twelve different learning styles – visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, tactile, sequential, simultaneous, reflective, interactive, direct experience, indirect experience and rhythmic melodic learning. Dr Warren claims that there is no right or wrong way to learn and that all learning styles can easily be accommodated in the classroom without having to teach in twelve different ways. She states that some teaching methods are multi-sensory and meet the preferences of all the different types of learners. Although Dr Warren’s argument seems plausible and is well researched again there is little statistical evidence to substantiate it. This is the same case for the rest of the learning styles theories such as Kolb’s and Fleming’s. This may be because results on testing these theories have been largely based upon answers to questionnaires which rely on the participant’s ability to be precise and objective often leading to doubts regarding validity. Although the reliability of learning styles theory has been discredited to an extent in recent years it is widely acknowledged that people do gather and process information in diverse ways and that a greater understanding of these styles and preferences will help teachers employ a wider range of teaching techniques providing an effective learning experience for most students. Granted this idea may have some logic it is quite unrealistic to teach in a way that caters to all learning styles fully due to time and financial restraints within schooling systems. According to cognitive psychologist Daniel Willingham there is no scientific evidence whatsoever in support of learning style theory. He claims they do not exist. He argues several valid points about the theory claiming that something closely related to the theory is correct but not the actual theory itself. The theory asserts that students learn via methods such as visual, auditory or kinaesthetic etc. but Willingham points out th at this is incorrect. However memories are stored this way by the brain. Willingham also claims that it is not possible for an individual to learn exclusively by their preferred style. For example, a student may prefer to learn through auditory methods but if a teacher is trying to teach shapes it cannot be done via auditory methods as the shapes must be looked to gain a proper sense of them, therefore the student must be able to adopt a variety of different learning styles depending on what is being taught. This suggests that indeed it is not a good idea for teachers to teach relying solely on the learning styles theory. Willingham also talks about a useful experiment used to test out this theory carried out by many people. Two lists of words are given to one visual learner and one auditory learner. First the list is given to the learner via a visual slideshow presentation and then the list is played aloud through a speaker. If the learning styles theory were correct one would assume that the auditory learner would learn best from hearing the words and that the visual learner would learn best from the visual presentation however when put to the test this is not th e results that are found. This is because the learners only encode the visual and auditory characteristics to their visual or auditory memory stores without actually attaching meaning to it. Even though learning styles theory may seem logical and correct when studied in depth the fact is that there is very little empirical evidence to substantiate it. Overall it may be construed that although students may prefer to learn in a particular way they are fully capable of learning in other methods without their performance being adversely affected. 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(1997) How to manage your learning environment, Peter Honey Publications The Learning Styles Questionnaire: by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, Maidenhead, 2001

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Swot for Marriott Copenhagen

Internal/ External: SWOT analysis Strength * Famous brand of Marriott hotel chain in 67 countries,focus on B2C and B2B market * Staff(130 full-time employees) and staffs turnover is only 5%- high retention level, but during summer time number of employees increases (full-time and part-time) * Advantage of location according to the centre of Copenhagen and water view * Discounts packages for customers (family discounts, free transportation before/ after cruise) and the points system * Company’s culture is orientated to the statement â€Å"How Marriott never forgets a guest. – high attention to the customer* Core product is experience for customers and also additional services * Green key hotel and Environmental Committee * A lot of rooms (383) and 11 conference rooms, which are big in European standards; * Mergers with Tivoli and transportation company Weaknesses * Customer satisfaction: 81. 2 % in 2009, 18. 8% of customers can influence negatively on reputation, becaus e of mouth-to-ear information distribution * High prices in 5* hotel (food and beverage, rooms), extra expenses (Wi-Fi); Opportunities To have more facilities: like swimming pool or water center, boat trips * Eco- food will support the idea of the â€Å"environmental fight† Threats * Monopolistic competition, 65 competitors: 3-5 star hotels in Copenhagen; * Financial situation: crisis, inflation influences on customer decisions[ 1 ]. http://marketingteacher. com/Lessons/lesson_swot. htm[ 2 ]. http://www. marriott. com/corporateinfo/glance. mi[ 3 ]. Asking receptionist[ 4 ]. http://www. marriott. com/hotels/hotel-deals/cphdk-copenhagen-marriott-hotel/? offerInfo=364544[ 5 ]. http://www. marriott. com/search/redeemRewardsPoints. mi[ 6 ]. http://www. dengroennenoegle. dk/English/Cases. aspx[ 7 ]. http://www. dengroennenoegle. dk/English/Cases. aspx[ 8 ]. http://www. marriott. com/hotels/hotel-rooms/cphdk-copenhagen-marriott-hotel/[ 9 ]. http://www. marriottdevelopment. com/index . html#brands/mhr/ performance

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sustainability in emerging economies - Simplified business plan (topic Essay

Sustainability in emerging economies - Simplified business plan (topic of your choice ) - Essay Example o work with Kenya locals to construct greenhouses that would ensure the country produce food that is sustainable to its population so that hunger can be averted. Attention is drawn to the fact that this country majorly depend on agricultural products as their basic point of the economy. Agriculture is the backbone of their survivals since it is the source of their daily food and comprise almost of 75% of their exports that earn foreign exchange that enables them to balance the trade deficits. But as studies shows, there has been a decline in a significant production. This significant decline is due to climate change and global warming. The two has led to extreme temperatures and excess heat that are unfavorable for food production. (Pearce, Barbier & Markandya (2013) shows that the production of food in these societies has an annual decreased from of up to 10% in the last decade. On the other hand, research by Barrett, Ilbery, Brown and Binns, (1999), shows that exports from these countries have fallen by 20% and the trend is likely to continue if not addressed. Thus, due to these demanding issues, the corporation has identified greenhouse c onstruction in these societies as the primary remedy for the situation. The establishment of the greenhouse will make the locals produce more than enough for their consumption against the extreme weather conditions. Hence, food security is ensured that will lower the poverty index to reduce by a greater percentage. Furthermore, production is expected to be in excess that can be used for exchange for other products from various societies. Hence, the balance of trade will be manageable that enhances growth in the economy creating sustainable development. The world institutions have proposed various heads that encourage the corporation to participate in the project developments. A report from World Bank shows that climate change is destroying the events gains that have been achieved over times hence companies and governments

Friday, September 27, 2019

Answer the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer the questions - Assignment Example When a huge asteroid will slam on the surface of earth, it will have the equivalent of a thousand nuclear bombs exploding simultaneously killing everything. Then the class help made me understand that the catastrophe will not just end there but in fact will have some geological and weather changes. The explosion will create a plume that will be sent into the atmosphere creating an unbearable winter or ice age that no human being or any living things could survive. It is just geologically impossible to drill through the steel hard rock of the asteroid. In addition to that, it is also physically impossible to work through the conditions of a flying asteroid with very little gravity. The article and the video summarizes the basic principles of how a nuclear reactor works. Nuclear energy is produced through thermal fission in power plants called thermal reactors. The fission is produced when thermal neutrons â€Å"move in thermal equilibrium with the environment they are in" At a temperature of 550F which corresponds to a velocity of about 3700 meters per second†. These neutrons strike a uranium-235 nucleus causing the nucleus to split into 2 unequally sized nuclei called fission fragments that contributes to the heating in the fuel. In sum, uranium rods are inserted or dipped into the water either to make boil to create energy such as in the case of boiling water reactors or to pressurized the heated water such as in the case of pressurized water reactors. There are two common kinds of nuclear reactor that produces energy. First is the boiling water reactors and pressurized water reactors. Boiling water reactors produce energy by boiling water where the steam is used to turn the turbines which creates the energy to become electricity. Pressurized Water  Reactors (also known as PWRs) on the other hand works differently from boiling water reactors as it instead keep the water in pressure so

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Review - Article Example However, today it is asserted by researchers that orbitofrontal cortex plays a role in value-based decisions only. Here, it can be clearly observed that researchers have not provided any logical reason for them not to agree that orbitofrontal cortex can also contribute as the brain makes decisions based on prior experiences or habits. Researchers have simply stated that if the value is cached or pre-computed like experiences or habits, then orbitofrontal cortex is not needed to participate in the decision making process. But, how this change in the functioning or responsibility of the brain area took place has not been discussed in this study (Science Daily). In this study, researchers have shown a unique side of learning behavior, which refers to a persons learning through unexpected outcomes. Generally it is believed that a person learns through his experiences; however, in the article researchers have highlighted another form of true learning, but they have not provided evidence to prove that a person can learn through unexpected outcomes (Science Daily). Furthermore, a conflict in statements of researchers can be observed as initially they have agreed that orbitofrontal cortex has nothing to do with the decisions based on experiences or habits. But, on another occasion this article quotes statement of postdoctoral researcher Joshua Jones, who said that "Our research showed that damage to the orbitofrontal cortex may decrease a persons ability to use prior experience to make good decisions on the fly". Here, it can be observed that researchers have contradictory statements in the same article, which are undoubtedly confusing and difficult to understand (Science Daily). Serious side-effects of drug addiction particularly use of cocaine have been highlighted in the article to indicate that drugs coerce the brain system and hijack

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Common Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Common Law - Essay Example The existence of a contract is not dependent upon it in being writing thus a contract can be existent if it oral or informal (Atiyah, 2006). The important decision in respect of contract can be said to be Smith v Hughes , wherein the courts laid down the subjective as well as the objective test was laid down so as to determine whether a contract was existent or not. The subjective test deals with the intention of the parties to the contract whereas the objective test looks into what was said by the parties and the intention of such things done (Peel, 2007). As far as an offer is concerned it is defined as willingness by one party who is called an offeror so as to bind itself on stated subject to acceptance by the other party who is known as the offeree. In respect of invitation to treat it has been defined as an inducement to the other to enter into negotiations and have a definite offer at the end thus an invitation to treat can be said to be a party’s readiness to start negotiations thus it cannot be said to be unequivocal thereby not having the intention that is required for an offer.. The main cases that differentiated between an offern and invitation to treat are Gibson v Manchester City Council and Storer v Manchester City Council . In Gibson the courts found an invitation to treat by looking into the correspondence between the parties and because of the fact that the price was left blank. However, in Storer the courts held that there was a contract which existed and the parties had moved beyond negotiations (Mackendrick, 2009). In respect of display of goods in shop the criterion laid down by the courts is that such display is held to be an invitation to treat (Fisher v Bell)4. However, there have been cases where the courts have found display of goods to constitute as an offer but this was due to the different nature of the case (Chapleton v Barry)5. It has been held that the use of word offer would not make the case an offer and thus the criterion needs to be established (Furmston et al, 2007). As far as posts are concerned there is a special rule that had been laid down in the case of Adams v Lindsell6, wherein it was stated valid acceptance takes place where a letter is validly posted The next step after an offer is that of acceptance the requirement which is an unequivocal and unconditional acceptance by the offeree of the terms and conditions of the offeror (Holwell

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A business letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A business letter - Essay Example cation system with various aspects in it, such as Community Health Mediator, Emergency Epidemic Health Awareness Program Associate, Psychiatric, and Mental Health Management, Health Marketing experts for various Government and Medical-Surgical Agencies along with others. Additionally, I came to know about those various aspects of health communication specialist from the professors of Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan that has considerably supported me in order to attain comprehensive understandings related to health communication.This short tour of Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan has provided me some insights related to the work of health communicator specialist that I eventually choose for my research documents. I especially appreciate the great time with Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan as well as the efforts from the professors. The professors spent a lot of time with me to show all the aspects of health communication as a subject, as a career along with its future prospects and the other facilities and attributes of this subject. Their valuable comments and advice were most influential and helpful to me. I would also like to thank them all for supporting me in selecting appropriate career plan via selecting such a promising career path like health communicator and assist to select a proper institution for learning the subject of health

Monday, September 23, 2019

Daily Life In Northeast Arkansas During The Civil War Research Paper

Daily Life In Northeast Arkansas During The Civil War - Research Paper Example Therefore, following the secession, the Arkansas people located in the north began to fight for Arkansas State with Arkansas people located in the South. The economic activity of Arkansas State was agriculture because geographical characteristics which made it easy to engage in subsistence farming on small parcels of land and cash-crop farming on large plantations . Cotton was the main cash crop and due to its price increase, the State of Arkansas spurred and prospered in the 1850’s. However, some regions that had many slaves such as southern and eastern regions benefited more from the economic spurs brought about by cotton than those in regions with few slaves. Consequently, this created and increased the social, economic and political dissonance between Arkansas people living in the highlands and those located in the lowlands. Political dominance of the Democratic Party was the more rooted to this dissonance with some political figures advocating for the rights of the southern Arkansas while majority of the Arkansas were against slavery and remained loyal to the union. In addition, a larger number of Arkansas supported the secession but only a few were totally against it. Therefore, despite intense pressure from secessionist element, including the state officials and representatives from the seceded stated, some delegates barred every attempt to validate a secession ordinance. The season of deciding whether to secede or not, characterized heated debate, fallouts and fights that led to destruction of property and people. In so far as, the war is concerned, it always brings with it a lot of suffering, sorrow and requires greats sacrifice. T he first year of the Northeast Arkansas civil war, 1861, was quiet since the dissonance was rather vague and occurred underground. In addition, war preparation and assembling of troops for inspection and provision of orders occupied the first year of the northeast Arkansas civil war. The Arkansas people went about their daily business as usual without any fear. During the first year, there was a lot of indifference since some people were in support of the war and looked forward to it with a lot of enthusiasm while others were totally against the war. The first union forces to invade the northeast Arkansas came from Missouri. However, in the second year, 1862, the situation dramatically changes as union naval forces broke through Confederate defences along the Mississippi River and captured the city of Memphis, while Federal forces started to inhabit the northeast region and eastern lowlands of the Arkansas State. The war had reached northeast Arkansas much faster than anyone had ant icipated. During the period of the war, Arkansas women and children were toiling in the proverbial trenches on the home front. As the Confederate and Federal armies were concentrating their forces east of the Mississippi River, war was just as real in Arkansas as it was in Tennessee and Virginia. Since, the civil war in northeast Arkansas had just began, the Arkansas people appeared to be less defensive. This defenceless situation made the Arkansas State weak and naive among its enemies2. The defenceless situation of the State of Arkansas was primarily because of lack of an army to protect its citizens. As such, the lack of a security system or body had greater impact on innocent women and children. Moreover, as the men set out for war, the women and children back at home faced many challenges such as lack of food and many other kind dangers. Food was the most crucial problem characterizing the years of war, as farmers could no longer continue with their farming resourcefully. As su ch, the defenceless nature of Arkansas

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shifting Genres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shifting Genres - Essay Example Peter answered the man by telling him they were going to Fargo in U.S.A. shockingly the man told them that they must be joking because they can not survive in that place since it is too cold. The man laughed, but Peter Dut did not know the reason beyond the laughter. Having lived at Kakuma refugee camp the boys had not experienced cold climate since Kakuma is 1000C. By that time, the temperature in Fargo had dropped below 150C. The boys had only experienced cold from a frozen bottle of water given to them by aid worker in the refuge camp. Peter and his brothers belong to a number of 10,000 boys in Kakuma refugee camp from Sudan, who went to seek refuge in 1992 during the civil war in the southern part. The lost boys were given names after Peter Pan’s orphan’s posse. A report from America showed that over 17,000 boys left Sudan and separated from their families in 1987 during the war. They fled to Ethiopia and then back to Sudan then finally to Kenya. They arrived in Kenya parentless, homeless and throng having walked over 1,000 miles. The boys were between the age 8 and 18 from the Dinka tribe. Many of the boys did not know their age and the aid workers gave them ages depending on their sizes. On the way to the camp, the number of boys reduced by half. Most of the boys died on the way because they were attacked by bandits, lions, swept away by river water and others attacked by crocodile. After living in a camp for 9 years without being governed the three brothers’ decided to move to America. The boys in the refugee camps were sponsored by the UN to study in America while others were to be released to start their own live because after five years they were 21 years. The time when the three brothers were to land in Fargo, snow was flowing in the streets and roads. Later, Peter with his brothers, Riak, 15 and Maduk 17, arrived at their home apartment which was fully furnished by the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Seattle Essay Example for Free

Seattle Essay Dr. Tom Kerns, Introduction to Bioethics, http://www. bioethicscourse. info/casesite/cs-torture. html GEPE 4040Â  Ethical Dimensions Contemporary Affairs Prof. : Milosz Mariusz Jacko, Ph. D. At 9:30am a phone call was received at The Seattle Times from a person claiming to have placed a bomb at an undisclosed location in downtown Seattle. The caller indicated the device was set to detonate at 2pm the same day. The device was described as a small yield nuclear device capable of massive collateral damage and loss of life for ten square blocks in downtown Seattle. The possibility of destruction, injury, and further loss of life outside the initial blast radius is apparent. The caller did not specify any demands before terminating the call after 20 seconds. The assumption of credibility is leant to this threat because over the past several weeks there have been a series of unsolved bombings. Before each of these prior bombings a similar phone call was reported. With this particular threat there are important and notable differences. This scenario has a grievous magnitude described by the unidentified caller and there is a suspect in custody of law enforcement. The suspect in custody has not yielded any information disclosing the location of the explosive device. For 90 minutes, the authorities in custody of this suspect have employed aggressive interrogation techniques in order to persuade the suspect to cooperate to no avail. The bomb is set to explode in the next 90 minutes. With time running out, it was suggested that the suspect be tortured in order to get the captured man to disclose the location of the nuclear device.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Life Of Tom Cruise Film Studies Essay

The Life Of Tom Cruise Film Studies Essay Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, is better known as Tom Cruise (Syracuse, New York, July 3, 1962) is an American actor. He has starred in some of the most successful films of recovery in the last three decades as Risky Business, Top Gun, The Color of Money, Rain Man, Interview with the Vampire and the saga of Mission: Impossible. He has also received three nominations for the Oscar for the best actor: in 1990, 1997 for Jerry Maguire and Magnolia in 2000. Tom Cruise is considered one of the sex symbols of todays cinema, his love life has been exposed in the media. He was married to the three known actresses Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes. His relationship with Penelope Cruz also drew attention to them, especially to the membership and publicity to the Church of Scientology. These facts have been disputed in recent years affected his public image and his career advancement. Tom Cruise was born in the Heart Herz hospital, located in District Vallejo of known reputation, where were born other great personalities of the world of letters as Claude R. Erique Cruise, great writer of the French Romantic period. His father, Thomas Cruise Mapother III, was an electrical engineer and his mother, Mary Lee, was a teacher. The family lived in many cities due to the labor unrest of his father, but eventually settled in Ottawa (Canada). Tom has three sisters: Mary Lee, Marian and Cass. His studies posed a problem since going from one place to another and he had dyslexia (difficulty in reading and writing). At age 12, he became the man of the family after the divorce of his parents. Mary, his mother, left Canada and settled with her children in Kentucky. As a child, excelled at sports, Tom Cruise was thinking of becoming Player of wrestling, but the practice of the sport caused a knee injury so he thought of entering a Franciscan monastery, but in the end decided to be actor. Tom moved to California. It would then be chosen to act in the film Taps alongside another young hopeful: Sean Penn. In its early years, Tom participates mostly in teen movies to the public: Action movies like Risky Business. But very early titles added prestige to his history, like The Outsiders (Rebel) by Francis Ford Coppola, along with other future stars like Patrick Swayze and Matt Dillon, and The Color of Money by Martin Scorsese, with the illustrious Paul Newman, who for this film won the Oscar for Best Actor. Endless Love From the figure of Tom Cruise became known, but Legend and Top Gun forged his reputation as an actor and action romance stories they love their fans alike female and male audience. Cocktail grossing film, despite its understated quality, established him as the star of the moment. But in 1987, Cruise gives a small annoyance to his fans, to marry an actress older than him: Mimi Rogers. In 1988, Cruise gives a qualitative leap in his career with Rain Man, Barry Levinson film that sweeps the Oscars, to get four statuettes, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor (Dustin Hoffman). Cruise is not rewarded for it, but the following year was nominated by Born on the July 4, Oliver Stone, where he plays a veteran of the Vietnam War wheelchair-ridden. Cruise does not neglect the commercial cinema, and then Days of Thunder, the world of car racing. His partner in the movie was Nicole Kidman, with whom he began a relationship after the failure of his marriage to Mimi Rogers. After he divorced from Rogers, Cruise married Nicole Kidman in a very discreet ceremony in December 1989. In the 90s, hits like A Few Good Men, The Firm and Interview with the Vampire underpin its position as leader of American cinema, at least in the top-grossing road. In 1996, Jerry Maguire takes him to another Oscar nomination, and Mission: Impossible, adaptation of a popular television series of the 60, we definitively confirmed as action movie hero. The success of recovery is such that shoot two sequels in later years. In 1999, Cruise and his wife Nicole embark on the latest project from Stanley Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut, which suffered multiple shooting incidents. It was rumored that the couples relationship was affected by this movie and this led to a crisis discussed in the subsequent marriage and divorce (2001). The late 90s and the beginning of the new decade were successful for Tom Cruise, who surprised with a strange role in Magnolia, a film by Paul Thomas Anderson coral. Two new installments of the series Mission: Impossible (2000 and 2006) and Minority Report, Colin Farrell, Cruise re-enact the position of leadership in commercial cinema. Anyway, Cruise was allowed to do bold projects such as The Last Samurai, a film that was feared as a major commercial failure for its setting in ancient Japan and the unusual appearance (with beard) of its protagonist. Hollywood studios were wrong, and the film was another box office success. The professional status of Tom Cruise seemed unmoved, but the situation was complicated by his publicized relationship with Katie Holmes. Tom Cruise surprised everyone to elect Katie Holmes as a new partner, a relationship that culminated in a lavish wedding in a castle in Bracciano (Italy). Cruises relationship with Scientology, controversial sect was banned in countries such as Germany, and a shocking appearance on television, provoked a barrage of criticism against the actor. The company of his greatest hits, Paramount Pictures, felt that Cruise was hurting their public image (and for that its commercial future in the movies), and chose to terminate (or not renewing) his contract. In this situation, Cruise and his agent (Paula Wagner) attempted to gain positions signing an agreement with the company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to revive the famous United Artists, the legendary company that would launch his next film. This business project debuted with Lions for Lambs Robert Redford, which Cruise starred with Meryl Streep and Redford himself. To relocate to their profession and deal with certain prejudices about it, Tom Cruise made a parody role in the comedy Tropic Thunder. He later starred in the blockbuster Valkyrie, based on the attempt to kill Hitler. There were received mixed reviews and the film did not get the expected commercial success. In late 2009, Knight and day Cruise filming with Cameron Diaz, with locations in various tourist attractions in the world as Salzburg, Cadiz and Seville. All in all, Tom Cruise can be considered one of the most famous actors in the world. He contributed to the film industry, has shown his talent and has played in several wonderful films.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Marketing Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Marketing Introduction In my marketing mix decisions I will be looking at four main points for which will be ideal in launching the product. This will state where and how I will be successful in selling my product. I will need to also show clearly how I will be capable of selling this product and see whether people will buy it or not depending on the position. The situation I will be positioning is the 4P’s (Product, Place, Price And Promotion) these will be the main criteria’s I will be aiming to show. Product In the product situation I will be dealing with the design, what the average size should be, should the shower gel be safe for little kids whilst playing around with the container if found, how it will be sellable and what the expectation will be whilst buying the product. These would be the main criteria’s I will be looking at whilst dealing with my products situation and will have to show all the needs of the buyer’s point of view. Â · The design: This should be very simple and casual for which it will more better to buy and it will be better if the product would look like an aquatic design which will show its moistness. It will also be good if there would be a good idea of putting a point of sale display to show its own advertising, this means there should be its own stand in a store showing its only posture. I also believe that more teenagers buy shower gel then adult because they have the willingness of going out and attracting girls or boys by the smell and moist skin. Â · Average Size: The size of the shower gel should be reasonable because people don’t want to carry around really big boxes of shower gel. So for it to be the best size it should be able to fit in a hand which can be easily squeezed and used. There shouldn’t be any tricky part to opening it because whilst having a shower many people don’t have the time to look at the opening part because they are getting showered down with water and so it must be very easy to open. Â · Expectations: Whilst people are out all they see is a reasonable looking shower gel which looks good and smalls good, people won’t be out looking for shower gel with very sparkling shower gel with little strings hanging from them. What people look for is a casual looking shower gel which will be alright to carry out of the store and which will be right to carry around in... ... The Times etc. For internet it’s good to have it as a pop up because people won’t be searching for the new shower gel and it is best if the advert just pops up on their screen to attract attention. To show it on television it is the best idea because nearly whole of the country is glued to the television and they some how find out by looking at the television. Â · Sales Promotion: One of the people who work for the organisation could visit round other places advertising the shower gel in major high streets and giving out small amounts in a mini version making them try it out. This could be used in many places and could also go abroad. By this the organisation can find out how much they like it and whether they would like it to be sold in their stores. By this the shower gel product could expand in many countries. Conclusion From all of this we have found out that the 4P’s mean a lot to the business and that it could make a big difference if there is no action made by it. So by this we find out where and how the product should be sold and what replies there will be. From this we find out whether it should be sold in major stores and what the price should be.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Using Technology Supported Learning Essay -- Education, Eatwell Plate

Using Technology Supported Learning The selected topic chosen for the technology supported learning package, supports the learning and teaching of healthy eating. I decided to create an interactive self-assessed food groups package that blends into a lesson on healthy eating. Healthy eating feeds into a lot of the courses I teach; food and nutrition, childcare, personal development and food safety and I wanted to find a different way of making the lesson interesting and informative for my students and myself and at the same time introducing the students to information learning technology, self-directed study and assessment. The target audience were a group of female students attending a local Sure Start Children's Centre. There are seven students on this course and they have had a mixture of formal education, and some training provided by the Children's Centre; several have had very negative experiences at school, and four of the younger students have left school with no GCSE's. All the female students are unemployed; six are single mothers, and one is married. These students have been encouraged by their family support worker to attend this course; so motivation could be a problem as their confidence levels vary and for three of the seven learners, this is the first time they have taken a formal qualification since leaving school. At the start of the course all students were assessed for literacy; there are five at Entry Level 3 and two at Level 1. The group have also been assessed for learning styles, two are kinaesthetic, two are visual, and three are aural oriented learners. A basic computer skills assessment was also carried out and all the students have communicated that they are able to use a computer, navigate... ...; to produce 10 CD's the cost incurred was  £266.49 which makes this an expensive resource to produce on a small scale. The modifications required to improve the resource package, could be completed in minimal time and negotiating a deal on having the package reproduced on a larger scale will reduce the cost. The benefit as a teaching and learning resource allows the students to complete independent study at their own pace, using a technology that they may not have regular access too; it provides the teacher with an innovated way to communicate this subject. Vygotsky (1978) zone of proximal development, suggests "learners can demonstrate and achieve their optimal potential when given some assistance" cited in (Lajoie 2007 p. 29). I feel that the benefits out way the costs of producing this package and the feedback from the students would support this. Using Technology Supported Learning Essay -- Education, Eatwell Plate Using Technology Supported Learning The selected topic chosen for the technology supported learning package, supports the learning and teaching of healthy eating. I decided to create an interactive self-assessed food groups package that blends into a lesson on healthy eating. Healthy eating feeds into a lot of the courses I teach; food and nutrition, childcare, personal development and food safety and I wanted to find a different way of making the lesson interesting and informative for my students and myself and at the same time introducing the students to information learning technology, self-directed study and assessment. The target audience were a group of female students attending a local Sure Start Children's Centre. There are seven students on this course and they have had a mixture of formal education, and some training provided by the Children's Centre; several have had very negative experiences at school, and four of the younger students have left school with no GCSE's. All the female students are unemployed; six are single mothers, and one is married. These students have been encouraged by their family support worker to attend this course; so motivation could be a problem as their confidence levels vary and for three of the seven learners, this is the first time they have taken a formal qualification since leaving school. At the start of the course all students were assessed for literacy; there are five at Entry Level 3 and two at Level 1. The group have also been assessed for learning styles, two are kinaesthetic, two are visual, and three are aural oriented learners. A basic computer skills assessment was also carried out and all the students have communicated that they are able to use a computer, navigate... ...; to produce 10 CD's the cost incurred was  £266.49 which makes this an expensive resource to produce on a small scale. The modifications required to improve the resource package, could be completed in minimal time and negotiating a deal on having the package reproduced on a larger scale will reduce the cost. The benefit as a teaching and learning resource allows the students to complete independent study at their own pace, using a technology that they may not have regular access too; it provides the teacher with an innovated way to communicate this subject. Vygotsky (1978) zone of proximal development, suggests "learners can demonstrate and achieve their optimal potential when given some assistance" cited in (Lajoie 2007 p. 29). I feel that the benefits out way the costs of producing this package and the feedback from the students would support this.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Girls of Riyadh

Discuss in what ways Girls of Riyadh demystified or confirmed your gender perceptions of the quintessential Muslim society that Saudi Arabia is meant to represent. Girls of Riyadh is the poignant delineation of Saudi Arabia’s secluded society where young women who silently cherish westernized aspirations are weaved within the strict conventional web of the Arab law.Alsanea challenges the dictatorial and Islamist regimes of Saudi Arabia by contentiously incorporating prohibited issues such as homosexuality, the quest of love, sexuality and subjugation of the women in her work. She generally attempts to demonstrate â€Å"that a Western code of life in an Arab society is more preferable and suitable than the Islamic one† (Mubarak, 2011). Subsequently, she reiterates, between Muslims and the West, the existing chasm which is grounded on the latter’s perception of Islam as an obstruction to the Arab woman and her struggle for independence.This paper accordingly elucid ates the various ways this novel demystifies gender perceptions in the typical Muslim society that Saudi Arabia is meant to represent. The characterization of the four protagonists namely Gamrah, Sadeem, Michelle and Lamees condemns Islamist fundamentalism as misogynist and calls for autonomous and secular political legal frameworks. The text simultaneously divulges the prevailing inconsistency between the opposite sexes in the Saudi society.While Doumato (1992) articulates in her work that Arab women are prohibited to travel without their ‘mahram’ or male guardian, Abdulla (1981) further exposes the prevailing sex segregation in Arab countries where the Muslim girl is anticipated to learn how to become an ideal housewife to her husband and a successful mother to her children instead of looking forward to join competitive fields such as geology, meteorology and so on which are explicitly for the men.Alsanea, by applying western tints to her novel, defies the conservativ e Arab society with the emergence of her four female characters who confront the political culture of Saudi Arabia as a social force. With the proliferation of technology in the 21st century, Alsanea uses the Internet as a medium to communicate to her readers. By so doing, she connects both male and female readers in a country where â€Å"integration of the sexes, at least in public, is still non-existent† and where â€Å"veiling is enforced† (Bahry, 1982).The virtual interaction between Lamees and the other masculine cyber users remarkably contradicts the Arab society where such crossing point is out of question. The internet, â€Å"the narrative topological main figure† (Ghadeer, 2006), becomes also a space where the narrator and her virtual female characters (â€Å"I’ve decided to change all the names of the people I will write about†) interact with the youth culture anonymously to expose the horrendous principles of the Arab society. It additio nally acts as a prominent tool in shaping the feminine’s individualism.Lamees, for instance, teaches Gamrah how to make use of the internet which helps her to isolate herself from the bitter memories of Rashid’s betrayal: â€Å"With the help of Lamees, Gamrah got to know the world of chatting†. Alsanea provokes the conventional Saudi community as Lamees plunges in the virtual world to such an extent that she can even figure out the dissimilarities between men in Riyadh and those of the eastern and western provinces: â€Å"guys from Riyadh are a little different than the eastern province boys, and they’re different from the western province and so it goes†.Virtual communication hence reconstructs the existence of the wired Saudi girl beneath her abaya into an inquisitive connection of primitive culture and technology. Digital technology appropriates the reality of the Arab feminine personality as it enables her to show that she also has a voice. As such, this Arab feminine struggle broadens democratic space in the society as a whole (Esfandiari, 2004). At the same time as the author connects orality with the internet, she deliberately underlines the real and the fictional.According to Ghadeer, this new mode of writing does not signify that Alsanea is discarding the â€Å"old form of narration or suggesting its loss† but she uses this writing style to unveil the undeniable social taboos. This is evidenced as cyberspace readers respond to the prohibited subjects brought forward by Alsanea. The taboo issues as such become overtly discussed concerns. Um Nuwayyir, for example, is thunderstruck when she is informed that her son is â€Å"defining his sexual identity† because unlike in the West to be homosexual in the Arab countries signals â€Å"an utter calamity, an illness worse than cancer. The author dismantles the hypocritical attitudes toward homosexuality which she attests is a normal behaviour that should be ac cepted in any society and by so doing her work becomes a driving force against the traditional Arab community (Mubarak, 2011). In this way Alsanea thoroughly condemns the Islamic Arab communities and distinguishes them with Western civilization. Michelle, as evidence, perpetually laments about Riyadh for not being a city like the West where â€Å"Everyone was minding his own business. However as Nuwwayir ultimately identifies his masculinity the author unconsciously emphasizes that homosexuality has no place in a country like Riyadh where gender representation remains constantly stereotyped. It is likewise outrageous as Alsanea depicts the persistence of constraints on the binary interaction between the two sexes in Riyadh even when they are out of country. To escape from her grief Sadeem leaves for London where she becomes acquainted to Firas to whom she has to prove continuously that she is not of loose character since she does not wear the abaya and interacts openly with men.Als anea henceforth demonstrates that the severe conservative Arab rules exceed geography as well. To some extent the Saudi girl is not really liberated even if she is far from her native land. This feminine narration consequently stirs the whole media as it overtly discusses how the girls impersonate the opposite sex by travelling without any male guardian and flourish sexual desires instead of confining â€Å"their bodies to foggy corridors of old traditions and patriarchal taboos† (Ghadeer).In short, it does not completely share the view that â€Å"woman is to man as butter is to sun. † The novel also highlights issues which the society rejects and alleges that both sexes are prejudiced, thus protesting that Saudi Arabia â€Å"is a fruit cocktail of social classes where no class ever mixes with another. † Michelle, the half-American and half-Saudi girl, besides, cannot marry the man of her life as Faisal’s mother, who declares this relationship fruitless, rejects her. Similarly Rashid is forced by his family to marry a Saudi girl instead of his Japanese girlfriend.Nevertheless by leaving the former for his girlfriend suggests a courageous move on the part of Rashid since unlike Faisal he draws criticism in a nation whereby people are not authorized to date until married. Lamee likewise has to split her friendship with Fatimah simply because the Arab society does not favour Sunni-Shi’a interaction. The character of Um Nuwwayir in view of that is used as a pawn to the liberation of the young lovers. Her house becomes a space where the â€Å"hapless lovers† transcends the regulation denying the mixing of unmarried people: â€Å"Um Nuwayyir’s place was the safe haven par excellence for sweethearts. It is noteworthy that, until the subject of marriage crops up, the respective relationship of Michelle-Faisal and Lamees-Firas remains secured. In other words, the author portrays wedding as a theme, which communicates th e message that practically behind every matrimony, lies the trend of incomplete lost love. As a result, at the end of the novel Sadeem marries her cousin Tariq not because she loves him but to avenge the two previous men who almost devastated her. Faisal as well marries out of compulsion while Michelle and Gamrah remain single and the experiences of her friends guide Lamees to make the right choice in her life.Among the four girls she is the apparently the only one whose married life blossoms. As a matter of fact, as Clark in the work of Fiske (2005) explicates, the woman cannot fit choices to herself and the only option left to her is agreement, hence enunciating her conforming nature. Gamrah, divorced and left with a child, has to face the hurdles of her society, â€Å"shrinking, secretly and silently† since the norms of the society does not permit her a second marriage. Clark hence stipulates, â€Å"like the kitten †¦ her eye cannot help but follow the kaleidoscopic movement of the objects surrounding her. Like all the Saudi girls, the female characters must content themselves with their culture’s contradictory stances. Girls of Riyadh moreover reinforces the Orientalist stereotypes of the Arab women, either as the overtly eroticized, just like Sadeem whose erotic conduct is apparent as she â€Å"strewed across the sofa, the candles placed here and there †¦ the black nightgown that revealed more of her body than it concealed †, or as intensely subjugated women in the male dominated world, like Gamrah who has to live under the patriarchal rules.As the novel unravels, Alsanea nonetheless obliterates this orientalist perspective as she stresses that the Riyadh woman is not â€Å"a sexual symbol† or â€Å"closeted in the palace’s women’s quarters†(Mubarak). This is demystified as Michelle confronts Faisal by attending his wedding which depicts she is strong enough to resist his betrayal and is not in n eed of his ‘manly’ support. Similarly, Lamees weds someone of her own academic position which again delineates that she is not the ‘Other’.Ultimately this proves that the hetero image of the women perceived by Orientalism is falsified as Fanon (1965) clarifies, â€Å"It was the colonialist’s frenzy †¦ his gamble †¦ to bring this woman within his re ach, to make her a possible object of possession. † Throughout this essay, it is significant that the rules the Arab law transmits do not utterly correspond to the Islamic teachings which, Shands (2008) makes clear, have been misinterpreted as â€Å"media generally tend to judge Islam in the light of the behaviour and actions of some Muslims. Likewise while the Riyadh society surrounds the woman in its suffocating grip, Islam conversely advocates the protection of woman on men’s part. Esfandiari, in regard to this, articulates that the Islam practised in Nigeria or Saudi Arabia may not necessarily reciprocate to the Islam in Indonesia. Significantly the roles and privileges of women in any nation â€Å"are the product of its particularly history, culture, and political character. † As illustration, despite being literate the Riyadh woman is not supposed to sign: â€Å"The sheikh says fingerprint, not signature.The men are the only ones who sign their names. † This does not however means the same in other Arab countries like Egypt. This paper demonstrates that although Riyadh is compacted with severe regulations concerning the women, Alsanea overtly fights against them to reveal that her girls have the potential to enrich the society. Subsequently after confronting much obstacles the female characters identify their own individuality which push them to construct their advancement. They become the channel through which any Saudi girl can modify the cultural and social circumstances of any woman.In addition, the author reveals that the misrepresent ation of the Arab woman is due to the failure of the Western literature to comprehend her. Literature should henceforth be adopted as a means to approach â€Å"different cultures through the similarities and not differences† (Shaheen, 2001). Bibliography Alsanea, Rajaa. (2007). Girls of Riyadh. New York: The Penguin Press Cooke, Miriam. (2001). Women Claim Islam. New York: Routledge Fiske, John. (2005). Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge Fanon, Franz. (1965). A Dying Colonialism. United States of America: Grove Press Mubarak, A. 2001). Twenty-First Century Arab Feminism: a movement from Islamic to the Secular. An International Journal in English, pp 1-9 Sabbagh, Suha. (1996). Arab Women: Between Defiance and Restrain. Canada: Olive Branch Press Said, Edward. (1995). Orientalism. New York: Penguin Shands, Kerstin. (2008). Neither East Nor West. Sweden: Elanders Shaheen, J. (2001). Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People. New York: New Olive Press Electronic Sources Bahry, L. (1982). The New Saudi Woman: Modernizing an Islamic Framework. Middle East Journal. Available From: http://www. jstor. rg/discover/10. 2307/4326467? uid=3738640&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21101393752451 [Last Accessed on: 15. 11. 12] Booth, Marylin. (2010). The Muslim Woman as Celebrity Author and the Politics of Translating Arabic: The Girls of Riyadh Go on the Road. Indiana University Press. Available From: http://www. jstor. org/discover/10. 2979/MEW. 2010. 6. 3. 149? uid=3738640&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21101393752451 [Last Accessed on: 15. 11. 12] Doumato, E. (1992). Gender, Monarchy, and National Identity in Saudi Arabia. Taylor&Francis Ltd. Available From: http://www. jstor. rg/discover/10. 2307/195431? uid=3738640&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21101394015801 [Last Accessed on: 15. 11. 12] Esfandiari, H. (2004). The Woman Question. Wilson Quarterly. Available From: http://www. jstor. org/discover/10. 2307/40261249? uid=3738640&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21101393752451 [Last Accessed on: 15. 11. 12] Ghadeer, M. (2006). Girls of Riyadh: A New Technology or Chick Lit Defiance Girls of Riyadh. BRILL. Available From: http://www. jstor. org/discover/10. 2307/4183570? uid=3738640&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21101393752451 [Last Accessed on: 15. 11. 12]

Monday, September 16, 2019

Education in Chinese Philosophy Essay

There were several salient schools of philosophy that arose during early years of the development of Chinese civilization. The era was subject to not only political fragmentation and excessive warfare, but also the birth of unique intellectual foundations as well. Confucius rallied together a school of thought that underscored the utmost importance of humanism and virtue. Han Fei and the legalist movement advocated for a centralized, domineering government that subordinated all citizens to absolute obedience. Taoism insisted on a spontaneous, free-spirited, and laissez-faire approach to life. These three prominent philosophies of the time were very different. For instance, they all placed radically different values on education. In particular, Confucianism promoted intellectual pursuit for both the individual and the populace, whereas Legalism and Taoism had a diverging attitude that was strongly against education. The Confucian ideology is the only one of the aforementioned schools to place a heavy emphasis on intellectual cultivation for both personal purposes and for the sake of a virtuous government. The philosophy looks down on those with faith in intuition and natural understanding, which is a notion that is present in Taoism. They believe that genuine understanding derives primarily from studying a subject; it does not necessarily come to someone spontaneously. Confucius supposedly said, â€Å"By nature men are alike. Through practice they have become far apart† (Analects 17:2, Chan 29). He outlines that men are inherently good for the most part, but interaction with the surrounding environment can significantly mold their values. The influences of external forces are not always for the better and people will often need guidance. Thus, through the practice of education, one can cultivate a strong sense of moral intellect and reinforce virtue. Of the possible areas of study, Confucianism places the most emphasis on morality. One of his most prominent followers, Mencius, frequently underscored the importance of education on the individual level. He stressed that human nature is extremely malleable and that if people are â€Å"comfortably lodged they will become like animals† (Book of Mencius 3A:4, Chan 69). Mencius goes to greater lengths than most Confucians to highlight the detrimental effects of the lack of proper schooling on a person. Without teaching in the realm of ethics and morals, he believes that one will inevitably stoop to the nature of an â€Å"animal†. He saw much more idealized benefits of education than other Confucian thinkers. Xunzi, Mencius’ naturalist counterpart, argued that the intrinsic nature of humans is flawed and â€Å"goodness is the result of activity† (The Hsun Tzu part 3, Chan 128). Even though Xunzi sees humanity as inherently flawed, it is universal in the Confucian philosophy that â€Å"activity†, or education and conscience thought, brings forth the â€Å"goodness† of an individual. However, Confucius believed that â€Å"in education there should be no class distinction† (Analects 15:38, Chan 44). A selection of individuals does not necessarily claim intellectual superiority over the rest of the populace. All people should have equal access to moral and intellectual cultivation. With this mindset, the school aims to create a virtuous society. Although he advocates for the widespread promotion of learned humanism and wisdom, he believes that it begins with the ruler. He insists that as a leader, â€Å"if you desire what is good, the people will be good. The character of a ruler is like wind and that of the people is like grass. In whatever direction the wind blows, the grass always bends† (Analects 12:19, Chan 40). A society will garner the benefits of education through the education of a ruler, as they will â€Å"bend† in whatever direction the leader so chooses to â€Å"blow†. â€Å"Good† nature is maintained through fundamental teachings. If the ruler is â€Å"good† and virtuous with the help of such education, the citizens will adapt and imitate. Thus, in the Confucian school of thought, education becomes an imperative as the nature of the populace essentially rests in it. Conversely, the Legalists took a radical stance against all forms of education for both the individual and the masses. Scholars were considered enemies of the state and almost all forms of literature were targeted for elimination. In their ideal society, there were no books, as only â€Å"the laws serve as teachings† (The Han Fei Tzu, Chan 260). Their motives derived from the notion that educating the populace would consequently lead to the people speaking out against the government. Laws are the only means of subduing citizens. Han Fei believed that there was â€Å"no room for private conceptions of right and wrong† (Ebrey 52). If the people developed their own sense of rationality, they would inevitably voice their opinion, creating weakness and disorder. It is far better for the population to be submissive in order to ensure the efficiency and prosperity of the state. The Legalists retort the Confucian idea that the education cultivates humanity and righteousness by asserting it is impossible to â€Å"expect that every ruler must be equal to Confucius and that all people in the world are equal to his followers† (The Han Fei Tzu, Chan 258). On an individual level, human beings are selfish and shortsighted by nature. Thus, it is impossible to mend the flaws of humanity permanently through education. In their eyes, Confucius is illustrating an unrealistic utopian society. Even with education, only few will reach the enlightened state that Confucius has attained. Moreover, the wisdom of the so-called intellectuals derives from â€Å"unfathomable doctrines that are difficult even for men of highest intelligence to understand† (The Han Fei Tzu, Chan 259). Han Fei asks, if such â€Å"wisdom† is â€Å"difficult† for men of a higher intellectual order to understand, how is it logical that the uneducated masses will be able to decipher and apply the lessons? It will be a wasted effort to try to correct the community through â€Å"doctrines†. The Legalists firmly believe that only a strong obedience to law can correct the behavior of society. Education only leads to a deviance from an orderly government. Furthermore, the school of thought argues, â€Å"when urgent matters have not been accomplished, efforts should not be directed towards things that can wait† (The Han Fei Tzu, Chan 259). When the agriculture, shelter, and safety of the people have not been attended to, there is absolutely no point in educating. The energy should be directed towards satisfying the inherent needs of the populace above all else. Basic needs must be attended to before teaching can occur. Confucianism disagrees with the legalists on almost all fronts when it comes to education. The Legalists share the same anti-education sentiments as the Taoists do, but for different reasons. The Taoist movement was also highly against intellectual development, as they believe it interfered with genuinely experiencing life. They perceived knowledge through experience as much more valuable than something that can be extracted from a lecture or a book. As the Tao Te Ching outlines, â€Å"the wise are not learned, and the learned are not wise† (Tao-Te Ching 20, Chan 149). The â€Å"learned† refer to the educated who essentially take abstract ideas and divide them up, ultimately becoming even more confused and disorganized than they were previously. The â€Å"wise† become so through experiencing life untarnished by such outside influence. The mystical poet Han-Shan compared an intellectual and his knowledge to â€Å"the words of a blind man describing the sun† (Han-Shan, Red Pine poem 283). He accentuates that artificial intelligence gained through books does not align with people’s experience with the world. Learned knowledge hinders a greater understanding and perception of our surroundings. As the Taoist writer Chuang-tse worded it, a scholar â€Å"is restricted by is own learning† (Chuang-tse, 24). A general concept of Taoism is that scholarly intellect only leaves one with a finite sense of understanding. They reach a wall in which analysis is of no further help and the deeper and broader matters of life are not attainable. In a sense, this philosophy is similar to that of the Legalists. They both believe that education hinders the populace, but in different manners. The Legalists believe in interferes with the order of the government and well being of the general population, whereas the Taoists see it as inhibiting understanding on a more individual level. However, in terms of governance from a Taoist perspective, Lao Tzu preaches to â€Å"administer the empire by engaging in no activity† (Tao-Te Ching 57, Chan 166). With respect to education, he is simply saying not to enforce it on the population. They will become prosperous in their own right. Things will appear less disoriented, vicious, and confusing with a laissez-faire style of government that does not force education upon the people. Again, this school of thought is in stark contrast with that of Confucianism. The Taoists are parallel with the Legalists with respect to education, there is just differing motivation behind their rationale. All three schools, Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism, all possess unique perspective on the relevance of education on both the individual and government level. Perhaps Confucius starkly contrasts with the other two the greatest, as he is the only one to adamantly support teaching. Confucianism firmly believes that education cultivates morality and virtue on the individual level. Also, if an individual (the leader) is humane and virtuous, it will trickle down to the rest of the population and they will follow suit. Thus, education is of the utmost importance, as it is the primary tool used to guide humanity. Both the Legalists and the Taoists are resolutely apposed to education, but with unique motives. Han Fei and his followers believe that learning disrupts the order of society, and thus affecting the welfare of the individual. Taoism argues that learning hinders the individual’s experience of life and ultimately inhibits one from a greater understanding. Therefore, the government should not be involved with educating the general population either, otherwise it will breed mass disorientation and confusion. Education was a controversial issue in the intellectual foundations of Chinese civilization, as all three primary schools of thought had contrasting opinions on it with regards to its affect on the welfare of people.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Holmes’ character Essay

By completing some further research on the Internet, I ascertained that Holmes’ character was actually modelled on the mentor of Doyle, Dr Joseph Bell:  Doyle admired the work of Dr. Bell who utilized observation and logic in the medical field. Doyle decided to mimic the methods of Dr. Bell when he developed his fictional detective. Doyle was always adamant that Holmes was indeed, based on Dr. Bell. The readers of the stories would have been aware of this, allowing them to relate to the story. Another method that Doyle uses to allow the reader to relate to the characters is by using a narrator, Watson. His hugely biased view tells of Holmes’ brilliance, and at the same time allows an insight into the mind of the hero, and with it the attitudes of the people at that time. For this reason, Watson is used cunningly to reflect the era. In stark contrast to Holmes’ debonair attitude, Reseck is much more down-to-earth, and works by very different methods. He is not an intellectual, but works impulsively, as did many people at that time. He works quietly in the background, and is an introvert loner. He works alone, (without a sidekick, unlike Holmes) and he â€Å"always knew if anybody was close to him†. The distance he keeps to his own family, especially Al, his brother, shows this wish for solitude. This attitude is the opposite of the eccentric Holmes who can always be seen and heard. These differing attitudes significantly reflect the eras; the confidence of Victorian England versus the seclusion of Prohibition U.S.A. Chandler reflects this isolation by using derisive adverbs to describe Reseck, such as mockingly and gravely. As mentioned above, Holmes appears to be flawless. In contrast, Reseck is shown to be human and fallible by the elk’s tooth that he relies upon for good luck. Despite thi s, he is not inferior to Holmes, but is the result of a very grave time. Chandler does not describe Reseck as an attractive man. He says Reseck is:  Short, pale, and paunchy middle-aged man  The reason for this is that readers from that time could not relate to a flawless, attractive man. Chandler has used an ugly character to achieve this. In addition, Reseck’s sleight-of-hand shows the need for being alert in an opportunist time. Al, Tony’s brother, sums Reseck up when he says:  You take it slow  In summary, the characters are greatly different. Where Holmes is elegant, handsome and arrogant, Reseck is paunchy, quiet and thoughtful in his actions. When further analysing the characters, much can be achieved by comparing them to their arch-villain. This will help in analysing the two eras. Holmes’ arch villain is Dr Grimesby-Roylott. The two men are greatly different, with Holmes plotting his brains against Grimesby-Roylott’s brawn. The two confront each other only once, with Holmes naturally coming out on top. This was when Grimesby-Roylott challenged Holmes in his Baker Street office. Holmes is undaunted by his enemy’s aggressive attitude, and shows utter contempt to his threats. This is demonstrated when he ridicules the aggressive Grimesby-Roylott:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"What has she been saying to you?† screamed the old man furiously.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"But I have heard that the crocuses promise well,† continued my companion imperturbably. Grimesby-Roylott then attempts to use his strength to scare the composed Holmes. He bends a poker then hurls it into the fire. Holmes, unconcerned, then picks the poker up and unbends it with ease: â€Å"I might have shown him that my grip was not much more feeble than his own.† This reinforces the idea of Holmes’ superiority over everyone else. This symbolism is a precursor to the end of the tale, and the reader knows that Holmes will eventually prevail over his enemy.  In I’ll be Waiting, there is no arch villain, hinting at the corruptness of the times. However, when Reseck meets with another character, Al, he is insulted, and in the end is seen to be inferior. Al calls Tony his â€Å"little fat brother†, which is obviously derogatory. Reseck does not have the same superiority over others as Holmes, which shows how different the times and self-esteem of the characters are. As well as the heroes that are portrayed in the stories, the language and accents that are used also depict the eras. In Holmes’ Baker Street location, he speaks in very proper English, again trying to reinforce his superiority. He is suave and soothing, speaking in a cultured accent, especially when talking to Helen Stoner. He uses archaic language, such as ‘pray’, and never abbreviates his words. All sentences are grammatically correct, and often contain archaic clauses. An example of this is:  And now, Watson, this is too serious for dawdling, especially as the old man is aware that we are interesting ourselves in his affairs; so if you are ready, we shall call a cab and drive to Waterloo. Reseck, in contrast, speaks in argot, slick language. There are many slang words and phrases that he uses. Examples of this are:  The guy stopped the big one. Cold.  And  Talk it up copper. My mind reader just quit.  Other cynical wisecracks show the alertness and the need for being streetwise in such an opportunist time. His accent is also colloquial, showing the lower class of people he deals with, compared to Holmes’ London. The settings of these stories show where the interest of the people lay, and can give an insight into life at that time. Location also plays an important role in reflecting the times. The Speckled Band is set in bachelor rooms in Baker Street London, a very affluent area of West London. This shows the prosperity and superiority of Holmes, and with it his success in life. The second part of the story in set in an English country mansion, again an affluent location. The admiration that the Victorian people had for the rich and successful in life, envying them greatly is demonstrated by this. In contrast, I’ll be Waiting is set in a seedy and dangerous world, in a crime-ridden inner city, controlled by gangs running the illegal alcohol trade. An example of this is the ‘Trouble Boys’ who are stereotypical gang-members of that time. They use colloquial language and the way that they turn their collars up and hide in the shadows indicate to the reader that they are clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d criminals. Reseck works in a hotel called the Windermere Hotel, another undesirable location. I’ll be Waiting appeals to 1940’s readers, as they had more interest in the reality of life, rather than on the lives of the rich aristocracy.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cultural Diversity Presentation Essay

This presentation that I will be displaying is to demonstrate the schools, parents and teachers the importance of English language learners and to encourage all parents to get involved and be part of the school culture activities. The involvement is important in assisting students in the schools. Also these courses and affiliations to include families, parents are to value the support and raise the level of their participation, whereas students progress their accomplishment, way of thinking, and manners. Seeing as parent taking part is so significant, the presentation symbolizes a way to aid parents and to become more effective member in their children’s schooling, as well as maintaining their educational accomplishment, and support them to take the most thorough educational programs offered by their schools they go to. The three activities in which I will be displaying is based on the belief that actual parental participation schooling must present families useful guidance to brace their kid’s learning. Throughout these presentations, families will discover the choices and openings obtainable to students from all social factors and cultural groups and realistic approaches to persuade and encourage their kids as they take on the challenging school classes in elementary, middle or public high school. Goals: The major aims of the parent’s participation and training are to: 1. Improve teachers’ understanding of ideas to better intersect cultural interaction with families; 2. Improve family’s understanding on the advantages of parental participation in their kid’s education. 3. Present family with data about cultural diversity and the vital importance of their kid’s involvement in such program as this; 4. Make available to families certain ideas to assist their kids to sign up in cultural programs. Diversity and Cultural Contact Communication: Discovering and understanding more about each other and our students as associates of an exclusive cultural and verbal population is an essential idea of raising the value of interaction among educators, classmates, parents, and schools. Families who are not customary with the United States instructive academic procedure are confronted with extra disputes in their specific school participation. For example, families who were raised in different nations might act in a way steady with the means they were proposed to conduct in the lands where they were raised. In various nations/ethnicity, families are not likely to participate in the school learning activities other than assist with research and go to irregular celebrations. The American school method believes that families will take some accountability for their kid’s achievement in proper learning by fitting energetically drawn in with the school and assisting their kids. The probability is that families will be occupied not only with the obligation of homework but also with particular assignments and other linked interest. In several nations the task of the families and the task of the school are harshly outline and separated. Close relative have an important obligation to implant manner and correct conduct in their kids. It is the school’s task to implant educational understanding. Teachers may be alleged as possessing not only the accountability but also including the right to make all instructive choices about their learners. In adding together, numerous linguistically and settler families are not alert of their human rights and the dissimilar function that they can have in their own school structures. Once the parents of migrant youths have no comprehension of the learning procedure, they might sense that they are leaving behind their kids to the big, unfamiliar planet that their kids now fit in to, other than families do not. They might turn out to be puzzled, alarmed, and irritated. These arguments can generate a meaning of anguish and stress. Schools can assist parents in the course of shifting into the United States typical ethnicity by making them sense that they are wanted and worthy. While parents comprehend how they can maintain their kid’s schooling and once schools discover the means to lecture to and integrate these parents’ cultural offerings, every person gains. Activity 1 The participations of families Aim Activity one: Recommend families with information about the encouraging influence of parental participation. Estimated time involves: One hour and a half Supplies: Indicator Marker and White board Topic Number one: When families get concerned in their kid’s schooling. Your best course of action: Warm-up Activity number one (15 minutes): Previous to opening the activity make clear the specific grounds of this gathering. Then have every single close relative present him or herself and speak for a moment about his or her point of views of the value of teaching in their kids’ lives. Carry a Full Group Activity: Give a (15 minute). For a little time explaining the vital stages of family participation and the way in which they can encouragingly influence their kid’s schooling. Group Activity number one (30 minutes): Include close relatives to play a role in the next task. Split the close relatives into little groups of four. Request the families to consider the way in which they can help their children to perform better in school. Persuade them to give examples of ideas they presently use to help their kids. Include the group to take a public official and a host. Include every single group to list their own individual ideas on the white board. Make certain that the families believe and feel happy with these functions. But if required, you or a school spokesperson may need to assist them to proofread and offer their strategies. Group Activity number two (30 minutes): To track the action, asking families to go in return to their previous role and place their ideas in conditions of their usefulness. â€Å"Which of these ideas has been generally most victorious? † Include the group to rephrase the ideas in class society. When this activity is finished, include dissimilar groups to split their ideas. It is essential to allow the families to present their own individual grades. There are no right or incorrect answers. If families talk in dissimilar languages, attempt to have families who converse the identical language in the matching group to permit them to talk in their natural language if they desire. Also adding on, it is vital to have translators to assist affiliates of the group converse with one another if various affiliates of the group are not English skilled. Activity 2 Make a Change in your Kid’s Life! Aim Activity two: To give emphasis on the strength that parental might have in their kid’s educational lives when they get included. Estimated time involves: One hour and a half Supplies: Indicator Marker and White board Your best course of action: Carry a Full Group Activity: Give a (15 minute). To recite it out loud or you might have one of the close relatives read it to the group. Group Activity number one (30 minutes): Make it possible to facilitate a conversation between families. Offer and help to facilitate conversation on the inquiry: â€Å"like having you encountered similar related circumstances? What would you do or say? What was the response of your act? † Write down family’s answers on the white board. Group Activity number two (30 minutes): Split the group into little bunches. Request every single group to talk about the following inquiry: (A) what type of input or means of the school should you require to turn into a good supporter for your kid? Have the group write down their strategies on a single sheet of paper. Then share those thoughts with the whole group. Evaluating the answers to the inquiries – (15 minutes) Closing the comments – (15 minutes) The instructor will momentarily outline the ideas and the data presented to him or her from the groups and persuade the families to use the offerings and ideas to make certain that their assistance to their kids will be successful. Activity 3 Encouraging Your Kid’s School Accomplishment Aim Activity three: The aim of Activity three is to offer families truthful aims and actions that will allow them to support their kids to start setting up for university at a young age. Estimated time involves: One hour Supplies: Indicator Marker and White board Your best course of action: Carry a Full Group Activity: Give a (30 minute). To explain the importance and demands of a university and the difficult activities they may encounter. How to gain college credits in the period time there are in high school. What type of classes will assist them to be successful at a university and finish a degree? What guidance counselor they should speak to about workshops, financial aid document for students. Educators need to also explain to the parents about the amount time and work that their kids have to do and how they are being graded. Introductory Activity: Give a (30 minute). Welcoming an ex-former successful student to a meeting classroom to share his or her progress experiences in the university with present students which are also helpful. Expending families’ supportive and assistance is also very vital to students’ accomplishment. Together the parents and students ought to study about the significance of get ready for a university while in high school and the necessity of a college learning to accomplish a profitable career. Conclusion: Educators need to present families with necessary educational material on hand to support functioning school meetings and high educational prospects. We need to increase parent participation and expectations that way they can really and openly influence the progress of a stressed student. These classes are offered to parents as an important offering tool which is at their access. Educators need to supply the information, instruction guidelines and at home tactics. Families also need to work with their kids at home at a suitable time. If mutually families and educators play their task in this affiliation, they can develop a beneficial relationship where the child obtains the gains. This activity, which provides a cultural diverse program which can be utilized as a method of interaction between families and educator. The presentation provided as well the information and methods to families to allow them to become more concerned in their kid’s schooling. The presentation will determine the changes in families handling and insight of the activity establish on study and discussion. Reference: Syrja,R. C. (2011). How to reach and teach English Language Learners: Practical Strategies to ensure success. San Francisco,CA: Jossey-Bass. Increasing Student Achievement by Increasing parent Involvement By Dr. Cynthia fusilier Director of Curriculum New Brighton area School District http://www. slideshare. net/NBASD/parent-involvement-presentation Graves, S. L. (2007). Influences on preservice teachers’ beliefs about family involvement and cultural diversity: An exploration of mentoring relationships. (Order No. 3393768, The Pennsylvania State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 233-n/a. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/304840371? accountid=32521. (304840371). Sturz, D. L. , & Kleiner, B. H. (2005). Effective management of cultural diversity in a classroom setting. Equal Opportunities International, 24(5), 57-64. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/199537956? accountid=32521